基于北斗共视的氢原子钟频率驾驭方法研究 |
李宗源 |
2023 |
第十四届中国卫星导航年会论文集 |
Coherent Optical Frequency Dissemination with Passive Phase Noise Cancellation |
张翔 |
2023 |
Demonstration of a time scale with the 87Sr optical lattice clock at NTSC |
徐琴芳 |
2023 |
AIP Advances |
综合脉冲星时研究进展 |
杨廷高 |
2023 |
航空学报 |
Research on Standard Time Replication Method Based on Multi-Reference Terminal Fusion |
陈瑞琼 |
2023 |
脉冲星对氢原子钟的频率驾驭算法研究 |
韩孟纳 |
2023 |
天文学报 |
Simulation research on steering hydrogen maser to the strontium optical lattice clock to generate the time scale |
徐琴芳 |
2023 |
Fourteenth International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2023) |
A polarization-multiplexed dual-comb fiber laser based on nonlinear amplifying loop mirror |
饶冰洁 |
2023 |
Proc. SPIE 12921, Third International Computing Imaging Conference (CITA 2023) |
Explorative Research on 100 mW Magnitude Optical Frequency Transmission Via Fiber |
高静 |
2023 |
Journal of Russian Laser Research |
华南地区一种典型的低频无线电噪声的测量与分析 |
黄璐希 |
2023 |
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications |
Analysis and Reduction of Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fiber Frequency Transfer |
高静 |
2023 |
Applied Sciences |
Sub-Nanosecond UTC Dissemination Based on BDS-3 PPP-B2b Service |
张喆 |
2023 |
remote sensing |
基于R?C 耦合跨阻设计的1 kHz~200 MHz 宽带平衡零拍探测器 |
王少锋 |
2023 |
光学学报 |
A low phase noise high-power Er-fiber frequency comb locked by the 18th harmonic |
李铭坤 |
2023 |
Proc. SPIE 12921, Third International Computing Imaging Conference (CITA 2023) |
Optic Frequency Transfer via Fiber Based on Digital Phase Unwrap Technology |
王丹 |
2023 |
Coherent Optical Frequency Transfer via Aerial Fiber Link with 10-19 of Instability |
周茜 |
2023 |
基于无腔激光的主动光钟 |
2023 |
Advanced Quantum Technologies |
基于实测数据的脉冲星时自主保持精度分析 |
赵成仕 |
2023 |
时间频率学报 |
GNSS rapid precise point positioning enhanced by low Earth orbit satellites |
洪菊 |
2023 |
Satellite Navigation |
北斗+5G融合定位技术研究 |
赵爱萍 |
2023 |
中国科技成果 |