如何加强科研事业单位课题经费管理 |
王兴焕 |
2013 |
行政事业资产与财务 |
试论新会计制度对事业单位财务管理的影响 |
王兴焕 |
2013 |
经济研究导刊 |
Using pulsar timing arrays and the quantum normalization condition to constrain relic gravitational waves |
童明雷 |
2013 |
Classical and Quantum Gravity |
GNSS系统时间偏差的确定及其对定位结果的影响 |
张雪 |
2014 |
时间频率学报 |
长波定时接收机系统时延的测量改进 |
刘长虹 |
2014 |
时间频率学报 |
基于DDS技术的Loran-C信号源的杂散信号抑制的分析与实现 |
皇甫江 |
2014 |
时间频率学报 |
应用于数字下变频中CORDIC算法的FPGA实现 |
闫温合 |
2014 |
时间频率学报 |
一种双向测距与时间同步系统的设计与分析 |
马红皎 |
2013 |
时间频率学 |
共线SPDC下剩余脉冲泵浦光滤光特性研究 |
白云 |
2014 |
时间频率学报 |
一种高精度时间同步器的研制与性能测试 |
黄长江 |
2014 |
时间频率学报 |
基于CPLD的高精度可调脉冲信号发生器研制 |
樊多盛 |
2014 |
时间频率学报 |
Research of Transport Stream and PCR Timestamp in the Satellite Digital TV Time Service System |
潘登 |
2013 |
Information Technology Applications in Industry II |
Research On Pseudo-range Measurement Technique for CMMB system |
黄长江 |
2013 |
2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium,EFTF/IFC 2013 |
A Novel Timing-Delay Measuring Method Based On PN Code in Telephone Time Service |
董道鹏 |
2013 |
2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium |
A Method of High precision time transfer based on DVB-S |
向渝 |
2013 |
2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium,EFTF/IFC 2013 |
realization and performance analysis of time and frequency remote calibration systerm |
和涛 |
2013 |
第四届中国卫星导航年会 |
Redundant Frequency Source with Seamless Switchover |
施韶华 |
2013 |
2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium |
Comparion of methods on computing ionospheric delays in GNSS system time offset determination |
张雪 |
2013 |
第四届中国卫星导航年会 |
数据预处理对最小二乘支持向量机预报钟差的影响 |
雷雨 |
2014 |
导航定位学报 |
基于灰色模型和最小二乘支持向量机的卫星钟差预报 |
雷雨 |
2014 |
天文研究与技术 |